Tag Archives: better than ezra good

Gem of the Week: “In The Blood” By Better Than Ezra

9 Jul


I saw an e-mail flyer that Better Than Ezra was coming to Detroit on October 18th. I didn’t know they were still around but their 90s hit In The Blood sticks out in my head.

The band left their mark in the 90s back with their hit Good from their 1995 album Deluxe. I did not particularly care about that song but I loved In The Blood.

It was a catchy song with a cool b&w music video. It’s been years since I have listened to it but I still think it’s a great song.

I never really became a big fan of the band but they were in my album collection during the 90’s.

I guess they kept in the game all these years. I checked out their official site www.betterthanezra.com and it shows that they released their eighth studio album this past year called All Together Now.

I listened to their new single called Crazy Lucky and it sounds like they have gone in a more popish direction now.

I had the album Deluxe on cassette (I feel so old) and I remember only liking a couple of songs. But I played and rewinded the heck out of In The Blood.

The more I reflect about the 90’s rock era the closer those old gems keep popping out at me!  Not that I ever tire from revisiting old gems or discovering new ones!

Below is the link to the video shared from the You Tube Channel of Skappyj.